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What is infertility?

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This is the difficulty in being able to conceive a child.

Not to be confused with sterility which corresponds to the definitive impossibility of being able to conceive.

In general, infertility is evoked after the observation of a period of at least 12 months of sexual intercourse which could not give rise to a pregnancy.

After this time, the couples are subject to medical monitoring in order to be able to understand the origin of this infertility thanks to examinations carried out on both the woman and the man.


Depending on the diagnosis, different techniques of Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA or AMP) are offered to them to allow them a pregnancy:


  • Artificial insemination: deposit of sperm in the uterus

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): bringing together oocytes and spermatozoa in a test tube to allow the development of embryos, 1 to 2 of which will be deposited in the uterus of the future mother

  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): this consists of the micro-injection of a sperm into the cytoplasm of a mature oocyte using a micro-pipette.

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What are the psychological and emotional difficulties associated with infertility?

Following a diagnosis of infertility, the couple is very quickly directed towards the various assisted reproduction techniques mentioned above, to offer them the possibility of circumventing this difficulty in conceiving. Unfortunately, the psychological and emotional aspect of this ordeal is only rarely mentioned, which when taken into consideration and accompanied, makes it possible to reduce stress and promote the success of the PMA protocol.

Identity crisis

Not being able to conceive a child naturally undermines self-confidence because it affects the primary need for reproduction and the ability to ensure offspring. As a result, this fundamental need cannot be realized without outside intervention, and a profound questioning of the very meaning of his life ensues. The feeling of a feeling of emptiness, a loss of carelessness mixed with anger, jealousy and frustration are all emotions that are often difficult to share with those around you.

Fragility of the couple

The PMA course obliges the couple to delegate part of their intimacy to the medical profession, which creates an inevitable distance between the partners. To this is added the latent question of the very legitimacy of this union since it does not manage to found a family in a natural way and then refers to the questioning of the choice of the partner. It is difficult to be able to express this to his/her spouse who is aware of the consequences that such a reflection could have in the couple. Everyone frequently takes refuge in a form of silence, of turning in on themselves, pushing them to experience this ordeal on their own rather than to face it together.


Finally, when you embark on a PMA course you invest all your energy, your time, your attention. It requires great availability and flexibility in order to be able to react to the evolution of ovarian stimulation, punctures and inseminations according to the medical protocol followed. This complex period then tends to isolate the couple from those around them because it is often anxiety-provoking and communication around this difficult or even taboo subject.

It is easy to imagine that in this psychological and emotional state, the chances of success of a course of Medically Assisted Procreation are weakened, pushing more than 30% of women to give up from the first cycle of the course*.

This is with the aim of allowing couples to approach this ordeal with serenity, to strengthen their self-confidence as well as in their union, to bring them all the energy, support and comfort they need and to be fully involved in this journey.

I proposespecific support for infertility promoting

the success of the PMA course because it:

✔ reduces stress

✔ prepares for medical interventions

✔ facilitates a serene pregnancy

✔ reduces the risk of postpartum depression

*According to the study by Boivin J, Bunting L, Collins JA, Nygren KG. International estimates of infertility prevalence and treatment-seeking: Potential need and demand for infertility medical care. Hum Reprod 2007;22:1506–12.

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